Missing teeth? Dental implants could be the option for you. Dental implants are designed to replace your entire tooth, fully restoring your oral health and smile and working to promote better long-term results for your oral health and function. An implant consists of two main parts, the implant post and the implant restoration.

The implant post is a small screw, usually made of titanium or another biocompatible material. Our dentist will surgically insert this screw into your jawbone at the site of the missing tooth to replace your tooth root. Once placed and after your mouth has healed from the implant placement, the post will perform the same functions as the original tooth root in stimulating your supporting bone to keep it healthy and provide a stable foundation for your teeth.

The implant restoration caps the implant post to finish restoring your teeth and complete your treatment. Depending on which teeth are missing and your individual needs, your restoration may be a single dental crown, a dental bridge or a complete or partial denture. Your restoration will be made to fit your smile perfectly and give you a beautiful final result.

Dental implants are designed to look, feel and function just like your original teeth and, when properly cared for, can last a lifetime.

We invite you to call Rim Point Dental at 406-948-8900 to learn more about the benefits of dental implants in Billings, Montana, and schedule your personal consultation with Dr. Benson Bagley.